Friday, May 18, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday #18

Q: Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?

A: My first choice is always Hawaii (it will be my first choice until I move there). Probably Maui because it is a great mix of relaxing and a little night life.

This was actually in Kauai but it was the perfect beach day of reading, kite flying, napping, and just hanging out.

I also want to go back to the Bahamas. I was recently there for work and actually got to participate in some of my group's activities (which never happens!) but I want to go back to do more like the Underwater Scooters and Powerboats to Exuma Island and of course more of this...

 Where would you go on vacation to read and relax? Leave me a comment and let me know!


  1. You're so lucky you've been to both! I forgot to add those two in my list but they're definitely high up there on my vacation wishlist :) Happy reading!

  2. I love Maui!!! The only thing that drove me crazy is how slow people drive but it's an island where would they be going in a hurry. LOL. I actually went there for my friends wedding and stayed for a couple weeks. One of my favorite trips.

  3. Thanks for the follow :) Following back! I'm so jealous you got to go to the Bahamas for work! What do you do, sell houses to millionaires? If so, can you train me? ;)
    Happy Hopping!

    1. I would probably be terrible at selling houses to millionaires but if I knew how I would definitely train you lol. I actually work corporate meetings, events, & incentive trips (traveling to over run the logistics of them). The Bahamas was an incentive trip I worked.

  4. That drink looks so delicious. I'd love to go to Hawaii too. It's nice to go somewhere so laid back. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Cool answers! That drink is making me thirsty.:) New follower.

  6. OOh nice! Seeing lots of beaches today!! I'm not much of a beach goer, I'd rather be somewhere cooler weather wise!

    But dude! Where do you work that you "had" to go to Bahamas? I would love that even if I'm not much of a beach person, I still like seeing them every once in awhile! :)

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I travel all over working corporate meetings, events, and incentive trips. I'm gone 90% of the time and lately have been lucky and have gone to some awesome places!

  7. lots of beaches, huh? :)
    I recently went and it was gorgeous ^.^
    old follower!

  8. Never been to Hawaii but if you're going to do a beach it might as well be there.

    My follow friday. Please visit!

  9. Hopping through. Love the Caribbean. I especially like Grand Cayman. I really want to go to Hawaii.
    My Hop

  10. Apologies for the late reply. Wow, you're so lucky to have travelled to the Bahamas! I'd love to visit there one day and also Hawaii!

  11. I want to get lost in Bora Bora. On the mainland: Glacier national park in Montana for summer. In a remote cabin in the mountains of Colorado in the winter.

  12. Great answers. thanks for stopping by my FF. I'm following you back!

  13. We answered it similarly.. cOOL!.

    Nice photos u have there especially that lady with a kite on hand. Was that u ?

    just followed yah!> care to do the same?.
    Dont know how to place links on comment tabs.. just visit my blog my FF is in there!. ♥


I love hearing from you! I appreciate all comments and will try to reply as soon as possible.