Thursday, June 21, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Quotable

This week's Booking Through Thursday asks...

Do you have a favorite quote from a book? 

A: As crazy as this sounds I don't think I do. I have come across great quotes but I never tend to write them down, so I quickly forget them. I really should start paying more attention to good quotes and keeping track of them.

What are your favorite book quotes? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear them!


  1. Since I am a Quote Freak, I do have some favorite quotes. Stop by for a visit and read some of them today. I also have a blog devoted to quotes, so today it is featuring some of my favorite quotes from books.

  2. Yes I don't write them either. But I def enjoy them while I'm reading. Here's my BTT

  3. This one always stuck out in my mind, stop and see mine.

  4. I fail to remember them to.

    here's mine:

  5. I do remember a few.

    Here is my BTT post!


I love hearing from you! I appreciate all comments and will try to reply as soon as possible.