Thursday, June 21, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday #21

Q: If you could unread a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad?

A: Hmm I don't think I've read a book that was so terrible I want to unread it. But I wouldn't mind unreading Easy to read for the first time again. I just finished Easy by Tammara Webber (see my review HERE) and it has just stuck with me ever since I finished it. I almost just want to start it over again. I'm sure there are others I could unread to experience for the first time again but I can always just re-read them too :)

What book would you unread? Leave a comment to let me know!


  1. I never heard of that book but I'm going to go to Goodreads and look it up. I feel like this FF is almost asking what your favorite book is. If people want to re-read a book than that's a great recommendation.

    New GFC follower!
    My feature and follow

    1. I just added a link to my post for my review of Easy if you want to check it out!

  2. I didn't bother picking books that I wanted to unread so that I could reread them. There are SO many of them! So I took the easy way and picked one that I hated so badly that I'd like to burn that part of my brain out. :)

    Old GFC follower

    My FF

  3. question. I would have to say The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton... I wanted my time back after I finished that book!

  4. Hopping through. I've heard good things about Webber. I should try her books.
    My Hop

  5. I plan on reading Easy soon cause I keep hearing such good things about it! New follower. :)

    My FF:

  6. I haven't heard of this book either, going to have to check it out.

    New Follower

    My FF

  7. Haven't heard of that one.

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Old follower via GFC, new follower RSS :) You can find my FF Here.
    Chrystina @BookLiaison

  9. I haven't read that book, I'll have to check out your review.
    My FF

  10. Not familiar with that title, just hopping by.

  11. I'd unread the HP series, just because they were so yummy the first time around. New follower through GFC as lucyatmax. I invite you to follow me at
    Nice to meet you!

  12. Never heard of Easy, but I won't be checking it out ;) My FF

    I've tagged you in the Liebster Award. Hope you like it :)

    Happy Reading!
    New GFC Follower

  13. I have wanted to read Easy for a while now but haven't gotten around to it yet. new GFC follower. You can find me here:

  14. I would probably unread twilight- not a huge fan haha :)
    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog


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